Zakusala island development
Projekt | Planeering |
Asukoht | Zakusala island, Riga, Latvia |
Seis | Arhitektuurikonkurss / Architectural Competition - 3.prize |
Pindala | 150000m2 |
Fotod | WhiteMammoth |
Aasta | 2016 |
Kontseptsioonis on valitud kriitiline hulk erinevaid pidepunkte ja piiranguid mille alusel on loodud keskkond mis toetab tulevikku vaatavat liiklusskeemi, rohelist ja säästvat eluviisi ning inimmõõtmelist arhitektuuri. Zakusala saar on tavapäratu proportsiooniga – pikk ja kitsas, tänu millele on võimalikud näiteks ühe sama korteri puhul jõevaated kahes suunas või siis kaks rannapromenaadi. Autoteede võrgustik on lahendatud nii, et saaks maksimaalselt ära kasutada olemasolevat olukorda ja lisaks ehitatavate teede maht oleks minimaalne. Põhjapoolse kalda sõidutee säilib algses kohas kuid selle mõõtusid korrigeeritakse ning sellega liidetakse jalutuspromenaad, jalgrattatee ning parkimine. Kvartalite vahele suunduvad tupikuga lõppevad kõrvalteed. Hoonestus on koondatud kvartaliteks, mida eraldavad lõunapäikesele avatud valgusrikkad tänavad, mis ühtlasi dikteerivad ka kvartalite kuju. Need tänavad on ka vaatekoridorid jõele. Hoonetest tekkivate kvartalite põhiline idee on kaitsta elamute vahelist ruumi tuulte eest. Mõlemal kaldal on rohkelt haljastatud pargilaadset avalikku ruumi. Rohelus tungib sõbralikult ka elamute hoovidesse ja tänavatele. Hooned on inimmõõtmelised ehk kvartalite kõrgused ei ole rõhuvad. Kogu planeering tahab olla mõõdukalt paindlik, et edasine projekteerimine annaks arhitektidele osaliselt vabad käed, samas on olulised kriteeriumid selgelt paigas.
A critical amount of various anchor points and restrictions has been selected for this concept, based on which an environment has been created that will support a future-oriented traffic circulation plans, green and sustainable lifestyle, and human-scale architecture. The Zakusala Island’s proportions are unusual – the island is long and narrow, and therefore it is possible to build apartments opening views to the river on both sides of the island and build two waterfront promenades. The vehicle traffic network has been developed such as to provide a possibility for using the existing situation to the maximum extent, and to keep the amount of newly built roads to a minimum. The driveway on the northern waterfront shall remain in its current place, but its dimensions will be adjusted, and a pedestrian promenade, a cycle lane, and parking areas will be connected to it. Side-roads ending with a cul-de-sac will be provided between individual clusters of buildings. The buildings are arranged in clusters separated by bright streets facing mid-day sun, which also dictate the shape of the building clusters. These streets also serve as visual corridors leading to the river. The main idea of the clusters created by buildings is to protect the space between the residential buildings against winds. There are landscaped green public areas on both river banks. Greenery also extends harmoniously into courtyards and streets between the residential buildings. The buildings are of human scale, which means that the height of the buildings is not overwhelming. The idea of the entire plan is to be moderately flexible so that further planning would offer architects some freedom, while the core criteria are clearly predetermined.